
Welcome to our blog! We're excited to help our community build healthy, beautiful smiles. Read our blog for tips on oral health care and discussions on other topics related to the latest trends in dentistry.

Dr. Joel Ross is here to help you keep your smile for a lifetime.

Restoration Should You Replace Your Amalgam Fillings?

Metal was once the most commonly used dental material used to fill cavities and repair damage. Howe...

Feb 26 • 2 min read
Oral Surgery How Oral Surgery is Used to Benefit Your Long-Term Oral Health

Ideal oral health involves making sure that teeth are not only healthy but that the surrounding str...

Feb 19 • 4 min read
General Understanding the Causes of Sleep Apnea

For some, snoring is merely an inconvenient late-night distraction. What many don’t realize, howeve...

Feb 12 • 2 min read
General Three Steps to a Healthier Smile

Everyone wants their smile to last, but sometimes we fall into bad habits and risk permanent damage...

Feb 5 • 2 min read