

Explaining the Benefits of Dental Implants

May 25 • 1 minute read

Missing teeth cause more than just appearance issues. Just one missing tooth leads to alignment shifts and an accelerated rate of jawbone atrophy. Dental implants provide the support bones and teeth need to remain healthy and functional.

Below are just some of the benefits dental implants have on oral health and performance.

What Happens to the Smile After Missing Teeth?

When teeth are missing, the jaw adapts. This causes existing teeth to move slowly into the empty space. Traditional dentures and bridges can slow down alignment changes but fail to replace the original function of the tooth root.

A dental implant acts as the natural tooth and supports surrounding structures while securing prosthetics in place. Dental implants work in conjunction with traditional restorations and improve on their original design.

Dentures commonly slip out of place. Dental implants, on the other hand, secure dentures for reliable use. This strong connection provides greater force when biting and improved comfort when speaking and eating.

Bridges rely on adjacent healthy teeth for stability. Dental implants are a stronger foundation for bridges and provide support independent of existing teeth.

Additionally, dentists also use dental implants with crowns to replace a single missing tooth at any position in the smile, working ideally for patients that need extraction and replacement. This versatility makes dental implants one of the best choices for replacing missing teeth.

How do Dental Implants Resolve Tooth Loss?

Dental implants are titanium posts that fit into the jaw to replace the tooth roots. An abutment connects prosthetics to the implants and provides the complete restoration.

Titanium is unique in its ability to fuse with the natural bone through a process called osseointegration. This generates an unparalleled a unified level of strength for both existing dental structures and new prosthetics.

Have dentures that slip often? Are you looking for a replacement for missing teeth but would prefer not to use a bridge? Dental implants offer a host of benefits that address the issues of missing teeth. Learn more by calling our practice and scheduling an appointment with Westford Dentistry, serving Chelmsford and Littleton.

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Westford Dentist, Dr. Joel Ross & Dr. Narges Rashid are dental professionals dedicated to General, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry such as Dental Exams, Cleanings, X-rays, Fluoride, Dental Makeovers, Teeth Whitening, Veneers, Crowns, & more. Please come and visit Westford, MA dentist Westford Dentistry.